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A Seminar entitled "Fifteen Years after Public Sector Reform: Hong Kong's Public Management in Perspective" was held at CityU, 5 February, provoking thoughtful discussion on public sector reforms among the speakers and the audience of 160 participants from the Civil Service, private sector, and academia.
Marking CityU's 20th anniversary, a seminar entitled "Hong Kong Governance 1984-2004: Continuity and Change" was held on 1 November, 2004.
CityU’s Associate Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (FHS), Dr Joshua Mok, will lead the newly established Centre for East Asian Studies (CEAS) at Bristol University, in January 2005, and embark on a new trilateral partnership among UK, the mainland and Hong Kong.
A team of five students from City University's Department of Public and Social Administration showcased their wit and skills in a presentation about transport and logistics and walked away with the championship, beating six other teams.
Because of the outbreak of SARS, also known as atypical pneumonia, City University, together with its seven local counterparts, suspended classes for two weeks, from 29 March to 13 April. Although the situation seemed alarming, the two-week suspension was an unexpected holiday for many CityU students, especially for the non-local students who live in halls.
在2002年7月才剛剛從澳洲梅鐸大學抵港作為期六個月交換生的Tomas Collins,對城大及香港的生活感到十分興奮。現正修讀公共及社會行政學系三年級課程的Tomas說:「這真是一次大開眼界的生活體驗。我對香港及本地學生能說多種語言留下特別深刻的印象。在澳洲,英語是通用語言,但城大的同學都卻能說流利的英語、廣東話及普通話。」
新加坡總理的報酬原來較中國國家主席高逾50萬倍!這是城市大學公共及社會行政學系副教授李藹雯博士的一份比較研究報告中的結論。李博士說:「香港高級公職人員的報酬亦名列前茅,僅次於新加坡。」該項研究是由李博士聯同英國牛津大學的Christopher Hood教授和美國匹茲堡大學的Guy Peters教授共同進行,旨在探討不同報酬模式的成因和結果。



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