
Showing 111 to 120 of 1091 results
New approach for making high-strength and ductile alloys
A research team led CityU has discovered a new strategy for fabricating multicomponent superlattice alloys with disordered interfacial nanolayers that have both high strength and good ductility at various temperatures.

ITF funding secured for anti-Covid-19 research
Research at CityU aimed at tackling Covid-19 has attracted over $7.1 million in funding from the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) under the Innovation and Technology Commission.
Seawalls’ marine biodiversity enhanced by eco-engineered tiles: CityU study
A research team of marine ecologists led by CityU has generated promising results for enhancing marine biodiversity on seawalls in the western waters of Hong Kong via eco-engineered tiles.
Breakthrough in making solar cells more efficient, scalable, and ‘green’
A research team led by scientists at CityU has discovered an exciting new way to make solar power more effective and more environmentally friendly.
Saving lives through early detection of gastric cancer cells
A new method for identifying gastric cancer cells within minutes and more accurately than by using traditional methods is underway at CityU.
SCM researcher wins Google award for voice-based text composition
A creative media expert at CityU has received an international award from Google Research in recognition of her promising work on the development of voice interaction for text composition.
Graphene face masks that battle bacteria
A new method for making anti-bacterial graphene masks quickly and cost effectively has been discovered by Dr Ye Ruquan, Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry, and his team at CityU. The masks have the potential to combat viruses as well.
CityU secures HK$23m funding from two RGC Research Fellow Schemes
CityU has been granted more than HK$23 million in research funding from the inaugural Senior Research Fellow Scheme and Research Fellow Scheme under the Research Grants Council.
Uncovering the secret of RNA paves the way for drug discovery for Covid-19
A research team led by scientists at CityU has developed a new method for identifying binding proteins of non-coding RNAs in living cells, which can be applied in cancer diagnosis and stem cell research, and may even help to identify potential antiviral drug targets to combat Covid-19.
New sulfate formation pathway provides more accurate haze prediction
Environmental scientists at CityU have proposed a new pathway for the formation of sulfate, providing new insights for improving haze prediction.

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