
Showing 121 to 130 of 1091 results
New chips accelerate data transmission
A physicist from CityU has played a pivotal role in advancing data transmission speed on the internet to make it the fastest in the world.
Breakthrough technology indicates earlier detection for Alzheimer’s disease
A research team co-led by a scientist at CityU has discovered a new, non-invasive way to detect early-stage Alzheimer’s disease, helping patients get the necessary treatments around 10 years before any symptoms appear.
New ventilation system helps protect healthcare workers from Covid-19 infection
Professor John Lin from the Division of Building Science and Technology has invented a stratum ventilation system that provides fresh air for healthcare staff inside a ward.
New inventions boost renewable energy
A materials scientist at CityU and his research teams are advancing the frontiers of renewable energy research with two significant inventions that tackle the looming energy crisis.
Croucher Innovation Award
Dr Kwok Chun-kit, Assistant Professor from the Department of Chemistry at CityU, has won the Croucher Innovation Award 2019 for his pioneering research on exploring the relationship between ribonucleic acid and gene regulation.
Kondo cloud finally observed after half-century
A physicist from CityU plays a major role in the world’s first direct measurement of a Kondo cloud more than 50 years after the initial theory was first expounded.
Novel solar cells promise new opportunities
Pioneering research led by scientists at CityU has led to the development of the most efficient all-inorganic inverted perovskite solar cells to date.
Graphene’s ultimate stretchability and ‘realistic’ strength discovered
The realistic mechanical properties of monolayer graphene have been successfully studied by a new method developed by a research team led by Dr Lu Yang, Associate Professor of Department of Mechanical Engineering at CityU.
CityU estimate: Patients quarantined after symptoms for 3.5 days
Dr Yuan estimates that infected individuals were quarantined after showing symptoms for around 3.5 days on average, which can result in a possible increase of around 60 infected individuals from mid-February to mid-March.
cancer immunotherapy
Unleashing the intrinsic power of the immune system to fight cancer is the focus of an award-winning research led by a biomedical scientist and her research team at CityU.

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