Vive le Francais!

Coan Wong and Casey Chow


Three CityU students were honoured for their excellent work in French language studies at the First French Awards Presentation Ceremony, organized by the French Section of the Division of Language Studies on 11 May 2001.

Nelin Woeryanto (French II),
Chan Yuen Shan (French IV) and Pepe Lo Siu Kei (French IV) were awarded for distinguished performance in their French courses. N

elin Woeryanto was awarded Le Prix "Parentheses", sponsored by Continental Books Limited; Chan Yuen Shan was awarded Le Prix du Consulat General de France, sponsored by the French Consulate.

They received books and DVDs worth around $1000. The French IV student, Pepe Lo Siu Kei, was awarded a study grant, sponsored by the French Consulate, good for a tour of France. The grant covers tuition fees, accommodation and some pocket money.  

City U President Professor H K Chang, Mr Jerome Pasquier, Consulat General de France in Hong Kong, Mr. Patrick Coustance, Attache de Francais, Cultural Services of the French Consulate, Mrs. Madeline Progin, Managing Director of Continental Books Ltd, Dr Dennis Talbot, Acting Head of the Division of Language Studies, and Mr David Santandreu, French Section, officiated at the awards ceremony.

It was also announced at the ceremony that 50 CityU students will study at the Centre International d'Etudes Francaises of the Universite de Bourgogne in Dijon, France, for a month, taking 20 hours of classes per week. 





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