Four CityU students win Innovation and Technology Scholarship
(From left) Professor Raymond Chan, Andy Wong, Monica Chan, Harvey Ng and Xavier Yeung.
(From left) Professor Raymond Chan, Andy Wong, Monica Chan, Harvey Ng and Xavier Yeung.


Four students from City University of Hong Kong (CityU) won the Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2021, receiving HK$150,000 each for activities including overseas exchange, local internship and mentorship programmes. The Scholarship will broaden their horizons, enhance their professional knowledge about science and technology, and help them succeed in the fields of innovation and technology.

Nominated by President Way Kuo of CityU, four CityU awardees outperformed many other candidates with their innovative ideas and enthusiasm. They successfully navigated rigorous interviews set by the selection committee and reached the final 25 winners.

Monica Chan Hiu-man, a Year 2 student studying for the Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, is passionate about animals and saving lives, and thinks the health of humans and animals is equally important. As many epidemic diseases originating from animals affect global public health, she hopes to contribute to society by researching the epidemiology of diseases.

“At CityU, I learned that big data can be used to monitor epidemic diseases by analysing their features, modes, risk, and other factors related to infections,” she said.

Monica founded the Veterinary Medicine Society together with fellow students and has organised activities that promote animal welfare and the One Health concept. She plans to use the Scholarship for academic exchanges at epidemiology institutes in Switzerland and the UK and attend international conferences on research achievements in global public health.

Xavier Yeung Yuen-hei, a Year 3 student studying for the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, has an ardent interest in studying the safety of artificial intelligence (AI) and object detection technology used in AI computer vision. He is currently studying technology that can detect transparent objects that lack texture, brightness or colour, such as glass. He expects the technology to be applied to enhancing the safety of self-driving vehicles in the future.

“I wish to work as an intern at a local leading technology company this year. After understanding the development of the local industry and gaining relevant experience, I plan to go to the US for an academic exchange next year to learn about the development of intelligence technology. Also, I plan to promote greater interest in innovation and technology among primary and secondary schools by hosting STEM workshops,” he said.

Enthusiastic about community services, Andy Wong Ho-chi, a Year 2 student studying for the Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Business Systems Management, is currently developing a smart Wheel Real Light for wheelchair users and a related mobile app, hoping to make it easier for people with disabilities to better integrate with society. He plans to visit the US, the UK and Canada to learn more about information management and systems analysis and design, and thereby expand his network.

“I’m grateful to CityU for encouraging students who are passionate about innovation and technology, and arranging for an advisory team to support us and help us to perform better in interviews,” he said.

Harvey Ng Ming-hin, a Year 3 student studying for the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, hopes to use AI technology and data science to explore an Intelligence Tutoring System. By incorporating the robotics knowledge that he learned during an internship at the Innovation and Technology Bureau, his system can analyse the learning problems of individual students, allowing educators to teach according to students’ needs and capability, with an aim to improve learning effectiveness.

Professor Raymond Chan Hon-fu, Vice-President (Student Affairs), commended the Scholarship recipients for their forward-looking vision, creative mindsets, and aspirations in innovative technology.

“CityU advocates the integration of teaching and research and seeks to nurture creativity. I hope that our student awardees can take this opportunity to acquire up-to-date knowledge in technology through overseas exchange and internship programmes, and realise their aspirations to contribute to the well-being of society,” he said.

The Innovation and Technology Scholarship was established by the Innovation and Technology Commission of the HKSAR Government, the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited; and the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups.

Supported by companies and institutions engaged in science and technology, the Scholarship provides opportunities for outstanding local undergraduates majoring in science, engineering, healthcare, FinTech, information systems and other related programmes. The objectives are to enhance knowledge, inspire passion for innovation and technology, and nurture careers in industries related to innovation and technology.

The four CityU awardees, Monica Chan and Harvey Ng (2nd and 5th from left in 2nd row); and Andy Wong and Xavier Yeung (2nd and 3rd from left in 3rd row) received their certificates from the Chief Executive of the HKSAR, Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, at the Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Presentation Ceremony on 21 June.
The four CityU awardees, Monica Chan and Harvey Ng (2nd and 5th from left in 2nd row); and Andy Wong and Xavier Yeung (2nd and 3rd from left in 3rd row) received their certificates from the Chief Executive of the HKSAR, Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, at the Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Presentation Ceremony on 21 June.