New title on electoral systems in Hong Kong

Shirley Lam


With the Hong Kong community busy preparing for the District Election on 23 November, the City University of Hong Kong Press launched a timely new title—Political Consequences of Electoral Systems: The Hong Kong Proportional Representation System—on 18 November. The book outlines the development of electoral systems in Hong Kong.


The book, co-authored by Mr Choy C K, Lecturer, CityU's Division of Social Studies; and Dr Ma Ngok, Assistant Professor, Division of Social Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, expounds on the development of the electoral systems in Hong Kong in the last 20 years and provides a systematic comparative study of the last few rounds of the Legislative Council (LegCo) elections. Both Mr Choy and Dr Ma have been researching on Hong Kong's party politics and election systems. The new book contains studies and findings from their years of research.

"We hope that the book can help enhance people's understanding of the political development, political parties and election issues in Hong Kong and help promote civic and democratic education," said Mr Choy.

The 272-page book is divided into two chapters: the first part reviews the changes in Hong Kong's electoral systems and the impact of different systems, and the second part analyzes the political consequences of the changes in electoral systems on party politics and election models, through a comparative study of three LegCo elections in 1995, 1998 and 2000.

The book is available at the City University of Hong Kong Press at HK$80. For more information, please visit the CityU Press website.













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